Witness the Power of Cupid!

Marriage Indexes for
Harrison County, Kentucky

In Print & Available for Purchase!

It was about ten years ago that the transcription of the three oldest marriage record index volumes for Harrison County, Kentucky, were completed, published and first offered to the genealogical public, volumes which should be useful to anyone researching genealogies or family histories with ties to Harrison County or nearby counties in the region of Northern Kentucky, especially along the Ohio and Licking River Valleys.

Beginning in the early 1890s and continuing until 1985 four general marriage indexes were compiled and maintained for use in the Harrison County Court Clerk's offices in Cynthiana.  They were entitled

  • General Cross Index to Marriages 1
  • General Index to Marriages 2
  • General Index to Marriages 3
  • General Cross Index to Marriages - Colored

The Three "General" Marriage Indexes--After several months of visits to the court clerk’s offices in Cynthiana and hundreds of hours spent at a computer keyboard, I was able to develop a new and improved set of marriage record indexes.  Combined, these three published volumes contain approximately 35,000 individual entries (General Index to Marriages No. 1 indexes 17,656 individuals; No. 2 lists 14,568 individuals; while the African American index contains the names of 3,544 individuals), referring to more than 17,500 marriage records in all.

Questionable or illegible entries found in each original index have been proofed, checking also to see that every document, numbered from 0 to 18167 (1794-1947), has been accounted for.  In the process the names of nearly four hundred individuals, who were not accounted for in the original volumes in the court clerk’s vault, have been added to these published indexes.

For marriages from 1985 to the present day the index for the county's marriage records is a part of the clerk's office's computer system, which has also been transcribed and proofed and is now available in print as Marriage Records Index, 1985-2008.

African American Marriages--While a portion of Harrison County’s marriage records have been indexed and/or abstracted before, although never beyond 1858, none of the African American marriage record indexes had ever been transcribed until now.  All African American marriage records and their indexes have now been examined and transcribed for a more accurate and complete index of African American records than has ever existed.

If you would like an index or indexes for yourself, know of a relation or other genealogist who would like one, or know of a library which might need one for their genealogy room, please consider one of the publications below for your genealogy library, whether in your own home, in a friend or relative's, or for the the library down the street or in your old hometown.

I certainly thank you for taking the time to read about these new publications and hope that you may realize their value by deciding to add them to your own genealogy library.  Please contact me anytime if you should have any questions.

Bookshelves and libraries everywhere will be all the happier for these new additions!

Sincerely Yours,

Philip Naff
Indianapolis, Ind.

P.S.  Free instructions on how to obtain a photocopy of a marriage record are also offered at this site, but the photocopies aren't free . . .

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